The Kingdom of Alvarinho – Comics

An illustrated story, inspired by Monção.

The story we are about to tell is a work of fiction, loosely based on and related to historical events of Monção, which is in no way intended to be historically accurate. Except for the part about the berries, which talk. This is totally real.

  • Municipality of Monção
  • 2022
  • Comics
  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration
  • Character Design
  • Editorial Design

The Kingdom of Alvarinho

When you think of the great powers of humanity, countless kingdoms come to mind. But there is one that, although not mentioned in the history books, has a unique magic. It is a fascinating land, without equal. Its name is Reino do Alvarinho.

Located in the northwest of the Iberian Baguínsula, the Kingdom of Alvarinho, something grander than you could imagine, has been asserting its unmistakable identity over the years, thanks to the happiness and art of “knowing how to do” and “welcoming” of its people . A striking people, deeply connected to what endures, distinguishes and reminds us, who make their territory known through their traditions, customs, places and landscapes.

It is thought that the origin of this Kingdom is related to factors such as the abundant wealth of resources and privileged geographic location. However, there is a hidden place, which is said to be the main secret, both of the origin and the development and longevity of the inhabiting civilization: The Fountain of Happiness.

As legendary as it is charismatic is the thermometer of happiness in the Kingdom.

It is believed that it was here, before any record, that the Kingdom of Alvarinho came to life. And soul! Not from an explosion or something that fell from the sky, but from the roots of a divine nectar, which germinated the first inhabitants, causing them to inherit its unique characteristics.

Mostly, the color. The very characteristic yellowish-green skin color of these inhabitants, Os Alvarinhos, makes them known and talked about across borders. And that, when too exposed to the sun, acquires a pink tone!

Fame is not only due to skin color, but also to an endless number of other distinctive characteristics. Most of the population lives in barrels, under the protection of the fortress walls, and engages in agriculture, viticulture and fishing activities. The latter, held mostly on the main river of the Kingdom, the Alvarinho River. To relax, they know how to take advantage of the resources that nature provides them. For example, the fabulous spas, where you can enjoy medicinal treatments.

In this Kingdom, where such nectar is king, gastronomy and cultural and built heritage also have a word to say. Wasn't he considered a Kingdom of 7 Wonders at the Table. Of enviable value!

And what about legends and myths? They are simply historical and true. There are immortal poets and heroines, mythological figures and creatures, who live in communion with the rest of the inhabitants. Even the soil has life! Not only the soil, the terroir. This set of unique natural (soil, geography, geology and climate) and human properties, never seen in any other kingdom in the world. This soul is the main reason for the immortalization of the acclaimed nectar.

As you can imagine, the Kingdom is always partying! Events are held with pomp and circumstance, from the most popular to the most historic. All because Os Alvarinhos are revelers by nature and can't do without a good popular party or an erudite banquet.
This is how they face life. That's right, with the joy of living and enjoying every moment, in communion with family, friends and visitors.

Client: Municipality of Monção
Year: 2022
Art Direction: MarkaBranka
Graphic Design: Fabio Alves
Illustration: Rafael Pereira and Ricardo Canas
Texts: Márcio da Rocha
Publishing company: zero to eight
Pagination: zero to eight