Metamorphosis – República Lounge Bar

The pandemic and the suffering that resulted from it are represented by the demons that enter into battle with local heroes. It is possible to see the figure of Deu-la-Deu chaining and taming one of these demons; São Jorge, who merged with his horse, sticking a spear into the figure that represents death and suffering; We can also see "A Coca" tearing the skin of a demonic figure; Danaide, who frees herself from the chains of her punishment; The lamb represented as in the “Agnus Dei” figures, becoming sacred and, instead of a cross, holding a flag with the eye of "A Coca", a symbol of the culture of Monção. The eye element is also represented in the illustration of "Portas do Sol", which presents a portal between the past and the future, a passage to a new reality, which we hope will be more promising for everyone.

Furthermore, the illustrations are accompanied by short phrases that, in Latin, mean:

1 – PER ARDUA AD ASTRA – “Through adversity to the stars.”
Message of overcoming and hope for a better future.

2 – RES PUBLIC – “People’s thing”.
Spirit of congregation, union and conviviality.

3 – FEMINA INVICTA – “Invincible Woman”.
Feminine strength, independence and conquest.

4 – SIC SEMPER TYRANNIS – “So always, to tyrants”.
Do not allow evil to overcome us.

5 - BONO MALUM SUPERATE – “Overcoming evil with good”
But overcome evil with good.

6 – FREE QUAE SERA - "Freedom even late".
Release for a new tomorrow. Even though it's late, we always have the opportunity to renew ourselves.

7 – LABOR OMNI VINCIT – “Work conquers all”.
Build a better future, through working together.

  • República Lounge Bar
  • 2022
  • Advertising Campaign
  • Art Direction
  • Graphic Design
  • Illustration

Client: República Lounge Bar
Year: 2022
Art Direction: MarkaBranka
Graphic Design: Fabio Alves and Rafael Pereira
Illustration: Rafael Pereira
Márcio da Rocha